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See what our clients have to say about our staff and services by reading some of the testimonials they sent. If you like to share your experience in working with us, you are more than welcome to send your testimonials.

“Jennifer and I are so very happy that we found Mrs. Sharma and the Guru Academy.  Time and time again we are amazed at how Ava is advancing.  She seems to astonish us at least once a week.  She is only 4.5 yrs. old but can already read, write, add and subtract double digit numbers and multiply.  We have to take her to the library so that she can have enough reading material for the week.  She reads everything in sight, and not just simple words, she can sound out almost anything. 

It’s amazing how much material Ava brings home each and every day.  By the time Ava is ready to leave the Guru Academy she will be so far ahead of the average kindergartener that we have already started looking for private schools that will be able to keep the level of learning up to par with Mrs. Sharma’s curriculum.  If you are looking to jump start your child’s education, then we definitely recommend Mrs. Sharma and the Guru Academy.”

“The material being covered provides a sound foundation for the eager ever curious minds.  Guru Academy does not only provide a strong academic program, but also focuses on social and interpersonal development, hence providing a well-rounded program.  I recommend Guru Academy with great enthusiasm.”
“My daughter Arushi has been going to Guru Academy for last 2 years. We love academy and Mrs. Sharma for bringing out the best in Arushi. Mrs. Sharma has created a very loving, caring and learning atmosphere in the academy that really encourages each child to reach beyond their potential. Arushi has learnt so much in her tenure at the academy, she can read and write full sentences, she can spell out any word just by their pronunciation, she does wonders in mathematics with addition, subtraction and multiplication of double digits, and her creativity in terms of colors and drawing has really amazed me. As I hear from her, she gets the best tasting food in the academy. I definitely recommend Guru Academy that can actually help any child to reach its maximum potential that I’ve seen in my daughter.”